In Part 1: Situation Analysis we discussed reflecting on your current performance and analyzing your data, market research and other macroeconomic factors. Once you’ve brought the current situation into focus, you have a clear understanding of the direction you are headed and the data to support it. In Part 2: Draw The Map you leveraged the learnings from the situation analysis to write a summarized, over-arching view of your plan, keeping you (and your team) laser focused. In this, the final marketing plan segment, you will add credibility to your plan through thoughtful detail. You will wade deep into the weeds to explain exactly what you plan to do, how, when and where you will do it.
Details, details, details. Here is your first chance to use your new marketing plan summary. Take each of the tactics you called out and put the details to them in this section. Specifically list how you will execute each of the tactics assigned, adding more if and only if they are aligned with that strategy. State all the details that make each tactic specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. Work one strategy at a time to maintain your focus. Once you complete your detailed action plan it should fully integrate all marketing and sales disciplines.
Referencing the marketing plan summary below, lets add some detail to “Unveil product “X” at a high-profile event with news media and VIPs.” For this tactic, you’ll want to include the date, time and location of the event. List target media outlets, and include the “hook” for your press releases and advisories. Build a timeline to put this event together. When will your media alerts be written and distributed? What are the drop-dead dates for all of your deliverables? Will you send out a fun teaser for the event? Will there be coffee and snacks? Is there a swag bag or other takeaway? What it is, where will you get it? I like to leave a placeholder to insert the actual press materials and event photos after the event.
Through the process of writing your plan, you have set clear, realistic and measurable goals. Your strategies broke up what felt like overwhelming objectives into bite-size steps, complete with detailed tasks. Individually your strategies and tactics may not look like much but collectively they will leverage all the tools at your disposal – keeping all of your efforts laser focused on the vision.
Congratulations, you’re done! If you’ve read all three installments of Anatomy of a Marketing Plan you are well on your way to writing a solid marketing plan for your business. If you’re thinking, “I get it but I don’t have the time, resources, skills, etc. to get started,” contact me today. I can work as an extension of your team to help you dig in and complete your custom marketing plan.
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